Saturday, June 8, 2019

Work Performance and Employee Well Being Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

figure Performance and Employee Well Being - Essay Example spiel death penalty and well-being of an employee have a cause and ready relationship with each other that runs both ways.Well-being is both a cause and effect of levelheaded work surgical process. On one hand, when an employee is psychologically and physically healthy, he/she is able to deliver his/her best at work and thus his/her work performance is enhanced. On the other hand, good performance at work leads to better reputation of the employee in the organization so that the employee feels good while at work. Similarly, good work performance is both a cause and effect of well-being. When an individual shows good performance at work, he/she finds interest in work. This interest helps him/her work hard so that he/she earns the trust and confidence of the employer. As a result of this, the owner appreciates the efforts of the employee by rewarding him/her through increase of wages, additional benefits with wage, and/or a higher position in the workplace. Peoples experiences at work affect how they feel about themselves, how they interact with their families and friends, how they use their leisure time, how spooky they are about the future and so on (Fairhurst and OConnor, n.d., p. 2). Any kind of reward increases the level of happiness of the employee and the employees overall well-being is enhanced.Work performance of an individual is an outcome of several variables that include but are not limited to the physical and mental health of the employee, the eligibility and competence of the employee in the work, the employees qualification and experience in the similar kind of work, and most importantly, the employees level of motivation. Of all of these factors, employees well-being is the most fundamental factor that affects his/her performance because if an employee does not feel well, he/she might not arrive at the work at the first place. Having healthy employees is

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