Saturday, June 8, 2019

National identity Essay Example for Free

National identity EssayCritically assess the birth between national identity and schooling in the period 1870-1939? The relationship between national identity and schooling is one that has been seen as both a problem, where by the integrating of the concept of national identity into schooling is seen as the poison that generates cross-national conflict (1) and a defensive reaction to preventing and dealing with the problems that Britain faced during that epoch, where the political and social environment in Europe provided a sort of hothouse atmosphere for nationalisticwritings of the most fervent kind(2) Dr Tate outlined in brief that national identities depended on stories and that teachers need to provide children with a sense of be to a community which stretches back into the past and forward into the future in order to five them a sense of meaning (3) The idea of creating a sense of belong for children, is one that is shared worldwide, humans I have been told, need narrative s, however the use of national identities here is used in a positiveand circumspect in content manner. I wonder what concepts does Dr Tate associate with national identities, and what aspects of the past and future should children be informed about? To answer the question given I will look deeply into, the relationship between national identity and schooling, ways of introducing national identity in schooling, threat abroad and at home, the effects, the problems and questions embossed by the idea of national identity in schooling. I will begin by introducing some of the important Legislations and Codesintroduced by the government as these deliberate the concern of the day, and play an important role in schooling, and national identity. The revised code of 1862 introduced a new concern arising over the education attained in schools, and thus the payment by results system was introduced, and teachers were paid for those that achieved results. The importance of this central part of enactment was that it governed the activities precipitated in schools. These school codes were issued by the government to dictate what shouldbe taught in schools and at what level for what age. Attendance and a uniformed standard of education were central to what the government sought to achieve in this legislation. This piece of legislation was hated so much by the teachers, and thus it was attacked by masses of teachers thus was withdrawn in 1898. The New Code of 1871 awarded 40 hour drills per course via grant aid. The drills were seen as a form of implementing the importance of obedience into the children. The importance of obedience was seen as vital to the social stability of the school.Reference1. (W.E.Marsden, Nationalism, propaganda and war and peace, pg29-47)2. (P.M.Kennedy, The pooh-pooh of nationalistic history in the west, 1900-1970,Journal of Contemporary accounting, 8 (1973)88.)3. (History today, History and national identity in the classroom, pg 6)4. (Theres no place like home, Education of History 28, pg 236-237)5. (1 Mass Observation Archive FR878)6. (J.Bourke, Working-Class Cultures in Britain, 1890-1960. Gender, Class andEthnicity (London Routledge, 1994), 186)7. (A.D.Smith, National Identity, London, 1991, p.9-11)8. (J.M.Mackenzie, Propaganda and Empire. The manipulation of British PublicOpinion, 1880-1960 Manchester Manchester University Press, 1984), 176.see k.

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