Friday, March 15, 2019
Brief History Of Library Automation: 1930-1996 :: essays research papers fc
Brief History of depository library Automation 1930-1996     An automatise depository library is one where a computer system is using upd to administerone or several of the librarys key functions such as acquisitions, serialscontrol, cataloging, circulation and the human race access catalog. When exploringthe history of library automation, it is possible to return to past centurieswhen visionaries salubrious before the computer age created devices to assist withtheir book lending systems. eve as far back as 1588, the invention of theFrench " concord Wheel" allowed scholars to rotate between books by stepping on a motorcycle that turned a book table. Another interesting example was the " scriptIndicator", developed by Albert Cotgreave in 1863. It housed miniature books torepresent books in the librarys collection. The miniature books were part of adesign that made it possible to assign if a book was in, out or overdue.These and many more ex amples of former(a) ingenuity in library systems exist,however, this paper will focus on the more recent computer automation beginningin the premature twentieth century.The Beginnings of Library Automation 1930-1960     It could be said that library automation development began in the 1930swhen punch card equipment was implemented for use in library circulation andacquisitions. During the 30s and early 40s progress on computer systems wasslow which is not surprising, given the Depression and World War II. In 1945,Vannevar Bush fancy an automated system that would store information,including books, personal records and articles. Bush(1945) wrote about a conjectural "memex" system which he described as a mechanical library thatwould allow a user to view stored information from several distinct accesspoints and look at several items simultaneously. His creative thinkers are well cognize as thebasis for hypertext and mputers for their operations. The fir st appeared at MIT,in 1957, with the development of COMIT, managing lingual computations,natural language and the cogency to search for a particular puff ofinformation. Librarians then moved beyond a vision or idea for the use ofcomputers, given the technology, they were able make great advances in the useof computers for library systems. This lead to an explosion of libraryautomation in the 60s and 70s.Library Automation Officially is Underway 1960-1980     The advancement of technology lead to increases in the use of computersin libraries. In 1961, a significant invention by both Robert Noyce of Intel andJack Kirby of Texas Instruments, working independently, was the integrated lap covering. All the components of an electronic turn were placed onto a single"chip" of silicon. This invention of the integrated circuit and newly developeddisk and tape storage devices gave computers the speed, storage and ability
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