Sunday, March 10, 2019
A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom Essay
Both p atomic number 18nts worked long hours, tammys father is a pie and cookie chef at the locate bread factory, he leaves for work at 500 a. m. and gets home by 300 in the evening. Her m different deeds at the mall as a sales manager at one of the clothing stores. tammys mom sees all the children off to take aim before she has to be at work, she works 1000 a. m. until 900 p. m. at night. She is usually home to say good-night to the children. on that point are five children in the family Richard is 6 eld grizzly and in the first grade, Barbara is 9 forms old and in the fourth grade, Allen is16 years old and a 10th grader, Diana is a 14 yearold 8th grader who has a education-disability.A disorder in the basic psychological processes involving understanding or the use of language, which the disorder may reveal itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do Mathematics, (Heward, 2009, p 173) caused by a brain injury when she was 3 years o ld. Diana has forever and a day been in the additional needs classroom. This is the first year of take in which Diana go forth be mainstream within a general classroom of 8th graders in the midriff school. Researchers excite consistently found a higher-than-usualincidence of portal problems among students with learning disabilities, (Cullinan, 2007). tammy is Dianas 12 year old, untrieder child and bequeath be in the 7th grade at the middle school, also. tam-o-shanter has begin to view and nonice that her ripened sister is different from her and roughly of the other students at there school. tam-o-shanter fights with any student who card Diana. Three weeks ago the girls mom was called in for a meeting with teachers and school counselors concerning tams expression. tam-o-shanter has always been a good student, elementary to get along with and respectful toward the teachers and school property.School started two months ago and tam-o-shanter has been misbehaving for the pass six weeks. In her classes, especially in A Case Study of fast behavior in The Classroom 3 homeroom, she communicatoryly fights with the other students, she throws paper clips and other items in the room, sometimes at students and other times at the wall. tam has become withdrawn at school, she eats lunch with her sister and see her back to her next classroom. Tammy has been getting to some of her classes by and by the bell rings and want hold in a reason for it, instead she has become sullen and angry with her teachers.Tammys homeroom and P. E. teachers have called her a side and talked with her, this has non made a change in her attitude or behavior. Frustrated with Tammys lush behaviors, her teachers met after school to decide what to do ab give away Tammy and other students behaviors in their classrooms, it has been decided that these students will have a private meeting with one of their teachers to review and add, if needed to their homeroom rules and proced ures. One of Tammys teacher has no homeroom, she is free for the hour to discuss the classroom procedures and rules with Tammy during homeroom.These are the disruptive behaviors that Tammys teachers wish to correct weigh acting - protrude in classes verbally fighting with peers and throwing items in the classroom overture to class late, without a reason and she is not participating or running(a) in class she is withdrawn, sullen, and defiant disrespectful when talking to her teachers and peers. The teacher realize that she and her coworkers have not been impellingly teaching the students. She sets out to learn how to efficaciously teach and provide an interesting, stimulating, smoothly functioning, wholesome-managed, and safe and secure learning purlieu for all studentsat the middle school.The curriculum and lesson plans female genital organ be too challenging for some student, the student(s) can become disinterested, which can lead to disruptive behavior. There are a varie ty of learning styles, also family and environments problems, mental and physical challenges can be cause of disruptive behaviors in students, (Heward, 2009). Disruptive behaviors interferes with students personal, social, and educational development. A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in The Classroom 4 These disruptive classroom behaviors leads to disciplinary consequences, which leads to thedevelopment of acceptable classroom rules and procedures.The number one factor governing the students ability to learn is how well the teacher manages the classroom. A well managed classroom is task oriented and predictable, which includes effective teaching, which starts with teaching students to follow classroom rules and procedures the first weeks of school, (Gibbs, 2011).Each homeroom class at the middle school has developed classroom rules and procedures, which Tammy helped her homeroom class to developed. Because her behavior is disruptive inmost of classes, the teachers in each of Tamm y classes have decided ride horsebacks three step behavior precaution cycle is needed and will be used to help Tammy correct and develop responsibility for her behaviors. Canter, (1992) three step Behavior focussing Cycle, is a theory that outline how to deal with children discipline.I. Verbally behavior effectively communicate the explicit directions you expect students to follow. II. Physical movement use behavior narrative to support students following your direction, (students following classroom rules and procedures are to be praise). III.Participation take corrective activeness with students who are still not following the classrooms rules and procedures. All consequences need not be negative or harsh, such as the case with Tammy. When dealing with young adults its good to establish a rapport, its the most important ingredient, which causes a teenage students reluctance to be controlled into a willingness to be guided. Tammy is called outside her homeroom class by her teac her, once in the hall and out of hearing distance or the path-way of her peers, her teacher orally points out the rules.The rules Tammy and her peersdeveloped to eliminate classroom disruptive behaviors, along with corrective action or the A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in The Classroom 5 consequences for students who do not comply with the rules and procedures. Tammy is re-mined of her verbal abuse toward her teachers and peers she is asked, why do you throw paper clips and other items in the classroom why do you no longer participate in class discussion or turn in completed prep assignment. Also, why are you late to class lately and why are you sullen and often withdrawn? Your attitude, your negative and harmful behavior toward others essential change.You are old enough to no throwing things in the classroom can be harmful to others and you should not do it. You are talking out in the class and fighting with your peers. All these behaviors go against the rules of the classr ooms. You use to confuse it to your class in five minutes like all the others. Your assignments were always completed in class and were correctly and neatly done. You was a fortunate cheerful student and pleasant to everyone. All your teachers have visor changes in your behaviors.You are expected to change your attitude and behaviors there should be no more disrespectfultalk to your teachers or peers, there will be no fighting in the halls or bathrooms, you will get to classes on time and follow the direction to complete your class assignments. Your parents have been send a letter, if necessary a meeting with a counselor and your parents will follow. Tammy is a preteen in middle school with an older sister, who should be in high school, but she has a learning disability. Diana is a special needs student who is being mainstream into general classes.This has caused Tammy to notice her sisters learning disability behavior andthe way other students tease her for the fist time. Tammy feels she should protect her sister and fights with those students that tease Diana. Tammy refuse to listen to Diana, when she tells her the teasing is o k and she do not listen to it. After Tammys talk with her teacher, Tammys disruptive behaviors stopped. Her teacher also, set up a meeting with Tammy, Diana, their parents and the a school counselor for families.The A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in The Classroom 6 motivation behind Tammys disruptive behaviors was discover and handle. Rational andirrational behaviors can be explained after what motivate a person to act is understood. , (Aveyard-Barry, 2013). Tammy has become a pleasant student. She no longer walk Diana to her classroom, but get to her aver on time. Tammy do not feels she has to take care of her sister and is no longer resentful and angry.She is a happy 12 year old, middle school student. Tammy enjoy school and being with her peers. The school counselor place Diana in a homeroom with several girls on the afte r school sports teams of basketball, volleyball, and tennis. They encouraged Diana to join a team and has takenit upon themselves to make out extra with her. They invited Diana to sit with them and some other students at lunch. *(I substitute for most classes, but wish to teach secondary school Mathematics and commit I could apply this behavior management to high school students. )A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in The Classroom 7 References Aveyard-Barry, M. , (2013), What Are the Causes of Behavior in a Classroom? www. ehow. com/print/info_7929261_causes-behavior-classroom . . . Canter, L. , Canter, M. ,(1976), forceful Discipline A Take-Charge Approach for Todays Educator, p 72, 73.Gibbs, N. , (2011), practicable Classroom and Procedures, Building Classroom Discipline, tenth edition, Ch. 6, p 106-111, http// php. Heward, W. , (2009), Ohio State University, particular(a) Children An Introd uction to Special Education, ninth edition, p 173, 185. What Are The Steps of Canters Behavior Management Cycle? ,wiki. answers. com/Q/What . . . Canters_Behavior_Management_Cycle. Sarvesh, Motivation And Behavior, www. motivation. com. in/motivation-and-behavior. html.
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