Sunday, August 11, 2019

Answer the quastions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer the quastions - Assignment Example The reason for the lack of this universal answer is because situations, organizations, and people vary and change with time. In this view, everything in management is unique in its own way. Principles are not universal and one learns about management by experiencing challenges in the process. Therefore, the right thing to do entirely depends on the complex varieties of critical internal and environmental contingencies. Environmental uncertainty and change, size of the company, and work technology are identified as the environmental factors that impact on the effectiveness of various forms of organizations. According to the contingency perspective, all stable environments will suggest mechanistic structures that tend to emphasize on formalization, centralization, specialization, and standardization to achieve efficiency and consistency. Predictability and certainty allow for the use of rules, policies, and procedures to offer guidance while making decisions for routine duties and problems. For unstable environments, they use organic structures that emphasize on decentralization for them to achieve adaptability and flexibility. Unpredictability and uncertainty need general methods of solving non-routine tasks and problems. Management practices and perspectives change in response to social, political, end economic forces in the larger society. During such difficult times, managers look for ideas that can help them cope with environmental turbulence and keep their organizations vital. Management tool surveys have revealed an increase in the variety of management ideas and techniques used by managers. Challenges facing organizations such as the rocky stock market and a tough economy , environmental and organizational crises, lingering anxieties over terrorism and war, and the public suspicion resulting from corporate scandals, have left the executives looking for new management tools. They are looking for

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