Monday, February 4, 2019

Management Essay -- Business Management Leadership

Being a manager takes a great spate of hard work, dedication, and persistence. In order to achieve the goal of becoming a chief operating officer, necessary skills of a manager mustiness be developed and so achieve the skills and confidence to succeed. Since managers are leaders, leading skills and cross-functional leadership skills must be developed. Lehman Brothers, a global investment bank, emphasizes the importance of leadership potential and initiative, as well as problem solving and technological skills. The management grooming program will provide a plan of action to strategize and discernment all the necessary skills in a short time to make full the goal of becoming the chief executive officer.First and foremost, managers must identify weaknesses, polish up strengths, and learn new ideas and concepts that will improve their leadership qualities. Developing leadership qualities includes perfecting a key set of management skills abstract skills, interpersonal sk ills, technical skills, and political skills. It is important to use interpersonal skills to work with management group members in the program and to listen to ideas and opinions. Without strong interpersonal skills, then it is not possible to be a successful manager. The manager would develop conceptual skills a CEO would encompass to have the vision and determination finished the logical thinking process. Also, learning how other people think and pass judgment the differences that exist would assist in managing them. This would give credibility to the manager as a person who is not afraid to think out of the case and to tread paths that are not always the norm. An amicable environment must be created where people are not afraid to communicate, manage resources and have ideas and theories to lead ... ...e to the sub-managers whether or not he or she has the technical know-how. The CEO is able to make key decisions for the political party that benefits the firm in a ma cro level and ensures that the decisions are made in the shareholders best interests. The CEO understands Skilos Inc. in a big picture sense, assesses issues, creates good solutions and evaluates results, while keeping a positive morale. The goal would be to work for the betterment of the company while maintaining the mission and vision of the shareholders and company. http// P. Buhler, Managing in the New millenary Interpersonal Skills (article), July 2005 R. Teerlink and L. Ozley, More than a Motorcycle, p. 268 J. Vardallas, How to Keep your Strategic Planning focus (article), February 2005 L. Stark, Successful Meetings (article), July 2005

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