Friday, February 1, 2019

Comparison of To His Coy Mistress and An Answer to a Love Letter :: Love Letters Poetry Poems Essays

Comparison of To His Coy Mistress and An serve to a Love LetterThese two poems are retrievet to be a love letters written by a man to alady of higher dispo driveion and an answer to that love letter, writtenby that lady.The first, written by Marvell is written is telling her Carpe Dieum- or Seize the Day this phrase sums up his poem, as that is what heis telling her to do all the fourth dimension. This is shown by the style he hasstructured his piece he starts of explaining what they could do ifthey had all of the time in the worldWe would sit and think which way toPass our capacious loves day.This means that they would just spend the whole time talking and grooming their tone because he says our long loves day and in thecontext it could mean their life (as they leave love forever, thereforeall their life allow just be one day full of love) then he goes on tosay that although he would like to do this they cannot as they willeventually dieTimes winged chariot hurrying ariseTh y beauty shall no more be foundHe uses this vision to show how time (death) is creeping up on thembut fast, as in on a winged chariot. Then, in the logical vogue hecomes up with a solution that they shouldRoll all our durability and allOur sweetness into one ball.This could just means that they should get together and create one,possibly through matrimony or having a child indeed ball. It could be aeuphemism for having sex.However in Montagus poem she uses a various argument. At first shesays that he is seeing a false tactile sensation of her because of all theflattery at the beginning, then verbalize but leaving her-tis me youpursue. She is complimenting his married woman (as the man I s alreadymarries) trying to persuade him that his life at the moment is muchbetter as he has a wife and money and would be stupid to leave thatbehind. Then she starts acquire really aggressive and offensiveagainst mankind, likening them to pug dogs,Why should the unretentive pug (the mimic of your kind)Wear a rough chain and be to a box confind?This is meant to be an immense insult against mankind- likening themto childlike dogs, that to be fair are quite ugly and just sit on a lapto be stroked all day. In saying this she infers that men have no usebut to be. In the following line she begins to give you an idea about why

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