Monday, September 30, 2019
Principles and practice of Human Resource Management Essay
In 21st century, the organization which considers its employees as an asset rather than cost has competitive advantage. The term suggested for employees is human capital. It refers to productive potential of one’s knowledge and actions. In today’s knowledge economy, efficient management of human capital ensures success for the organization. This tells the importance of human resource management. It is about managing human capital in the same way as asset management or financial management. Actually human resource management acts as a medium of exchange between employees and organization. Employees offer knowledge, abilities, skills, efforts, time, motivation, commitment and performance to the organization in return for job security, empowerment, generous pay for performance, training, promotion and trustful relationship. Thus human resource management is considered as a matching process that is matching organizational goals with employees’ needs in order to satisfy both optimally. The more formal definition of human resource management is the activities undertaken by the organization to attract, develop and maintain an effective workforce within an organization. (Daft, 1982) Thus attracting an effective workforce for an organization, developing it to its potential and finally maintaining it are the three main goals of the human resource management. And all the strategies are developed by the human resource department for attaining these three goals and these strategies tend to be organizational wide in order to support the overall corporate strategy. The skills required for attracting the workforce includes human resource planning, job analysis, forecasting, recruiting and selecting; skills for developing the workforce includes training and performance appraisal; and skills for maintaining the workforce includes wages, salaries, benefits and termination. Organizations especially perform human resource management in order to tackle the issues related to human resource proactively rather than reactively. ( Price , 2007). Having developed the concept of human resource management, we will now talk about the different approaches taken by the organization for pursing HRM. Read more: Managing The Human Resources The first approach is hard HRM developed by Michigan business school and the second one is soft HRM developed by Harvard business school. (Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna, 1984) Both approaches are opposite as they are based on different sets of assumptions. (Storey 1992) Soft HRM has humanistic edge in managing employees while hard HRM considers employees as resources which have to be managed in the same way as capital equipments and raw materials. That is hard HRM is bit more technical and mechanical in its approach which involves in obtaining as cheap labor as possible that should be fully exploited. Soft HRM advocates unitary perspective which means employees and organization needs and interest are coherent which leads to mutual goals, influence, respect, rewards and responsibility. The outcome is therefore employee commitment and organizational success (Walton 1985). On contrary, pluralist perspective sees differences in employee and organization goals as a cause for conflicts and problems. Management’s task is to induce the appropriate behavior in workers so that their actions accomplish the company’s goals, not their own. This paves the way for showing direction and coercion by management. This perspective underlies hard HRM. .( Price , 2007) Mc Gregor in 1960 gave Theory X and Theory Y about the nature of employees. Theory X depicted employees who dislike work and try to avoid it when they can. People have to be coerced to work and have to be closely directed and regulated thus leading to tight managerial control. On the other hand theory Y depicted employees who like to work and exercise self direction and self control if they are committed to the goals and objectives. In this case there is loose managerial control and management’s function is to foster individual growth and development. Apparently soft HRM is associated with theory Y which emphasizes employees’ commitment through trust, open communication, training and development and autonomous work environment. This will produce employee behavior which is self directed and this is the main reason for organization’s competitive advantage. Whereas hard HRM contingent to theory X, focuses on quantitative, calculative and strategic aspects of managing HR as for any other factor of production. The practices of hard HRM consist of strict performance appraisal, supervision and external control over individual’s activities. Now we will examine how soft and hard HRM approaches lead to different kinds of activities and outcomes at different stages of human resource lifecycle. The first stage is of attracting the potential employees. This requires human resource planning by forecasting HR needs and matching the individuals with expected job vacancies. The soft HRM will seek to forecast needed employees in order to complete a work unit or finding the best mix of employees for the team in order to elicit commitment from team members by setting of good team norms and strong cohesiveness. Whereas hard HRM will look to minimize the need for additional employees and will try to reduce the head count. This will lead to incomplete work unit. The job vacancies will not be fully matched with potential employees, which will lead to incomplete work outcomes or delays in achieving goals deadlines. However hard HRM is best suited in condition of financial crisis and economic recession. In these conditions companies are incurring losses and they cannot afford hiring of new employees. Hard HRM is helpful in minimizing external hiring and shifting and relocating existing employees within organization. This will make existing employees loyal because they were not laid off by the organization when downsizing is the only option that remains during financial crisis. (Fombrun, 1984). The recruitment and selection is the most important process in hiring of employees. It requires analysis of both job applicants and job itself. We have to look for desired characteristics in applicants so that he must make a good match with particular job requirements. If his skills, education and experience are not adequate for the specific job then it will lead to frustration and confusion. The result will be poor performance, job dissatisfaction and high turnover. Both soft and hard HRM approach will provide realistic job preview and job description so that employees can judge their potential for a specific job. However soft HRM approach will be more insightful as it will look into the hidden personality traits, attitudes and beliefs of the applicants so that they can be better integrated into overall corporate culture, norms and values. Whereas hard HRM will only look to match the applicant’s skills with the technical specification of the job. Soft HRM give more attention to the human processes such as communication, sharing of knowledge, cohesiveness and trust among employees. Interviews, paper pencil test etc are the most common selection devices and are used by both approaches. However soft HRM approach has additional selection devices such as personality test, psychological test, case studies and different types of surveys. The second stage in HR lifecycle is development of effective workforce which includes training and performance appraisal as the two most important activities. Soft HRM approach will be more inclined towards training for individual advancement and career development. Soft HRM will go for various types of training techniques such as on the job training, class room training, computer assisted instructions, conferences and case discussion groups. Employees will be made to learn multiple skills so that they can be rotated among various jobs in order to reduce monotony and introduce variety. Hard HRM will see training as an expense. It will usually design job which leaves little room for showing discretion and creativity. The job is monotonous and set rules and procedures are there to perform the job. So training is limited to learning those specific job procedures which limits career advancement. This reduces employee motivation and cause job dissatisfaction and high turnover rate because of increase in monotony. The practice of hard HRM is most suitable in assembly line work. However it will fail in work demanding creativity and originality and whose environment is more unstable and uncertain, for example, film industry. While considering the activity of performance appraisal, hard HRM is more stringent in its appraisal process. The poor performance is mostly attributed to individual’s lack of ability and no consideration is given to various external factors influencing the individual’s performance. External factors are outside individual control and includes pathetic work environment, work place conflicts, distrust, no sharing of information and resources, bad relations and poor communication with top management. (Drucker , 1954 ) On the other hand soft HRM gives objective feedback on employees’ performance. It also uses the technique of 360 degree feedback that uses multiple raters and self rating to enhance the reliability and credibility of feedback in the eyes of employees. Multiple raters can include customers, co workers, supervisors and subordinates. Employee is also given a chance to explain his point of view and give explanation if his performance is not up to the standard. At the end of the appraisal top performances are also rewarded with bonuses, recognition and promotion. The feedback style of soft HRM is such that employees are motivated to improve their performance further. It enhances employees’ self efficacy by making clear role expectations and removing role conflicts and role ambiguity. This approach is therefore best suited for organizations whose culture encompasses total quality management. TQM stresses for customer satisfaction by providing better quality product or services through dedication to training, continuous improvement and teamwork. The third and last stage in HR life cycle is maintaining of workforce so that they continue to work for the organization over the long run. This stage consists of four activities such as rewards management, industrial relation, occupational health and safety and termination. In soft HRM approach rewards are such that it recognizes individual’s accomplishment as well as teamwork. Rewards are administered in such a way that it promotes collaboration and cooperation among employees so that they work as a unit for the overall goals of the organization. The focus is on creating the synergy so that different department of organization works coherently and in alignment of corporate strategy. Ivancevich, 2003). Soft HRM approach also gives rewards which increases intrinsic motivation of employees. Intrinsic motivation to work comes from the internal satisfaction and honor one feels when he completes some meaningful work which makes the difference for the organization. These types of rewards increase employees’ sense of meaningfulness, competence, progress and choice. Intrinsic rewards which increase intrinsic motivation are important for increasing employees’ commitment to organization’s goals and mission. The hard HRM has tight control over rewards. Apart from basic salary, less effort is made to recognize individual performance. However calculated yearly bonuses are given when year end profit target is achieved. In other words no effort is made in hard HRM’s reward system to increase employees’ commitment to work. The main problem is that hard HRM follows corporate strategy in rewarding employees and no analysis is done about employee’s needs and desires. Soft HRM is good enough as its rewards system makes a best fit between employees’ needs and rewards. Moreover the other organization dynamics which affects rewards system is employees’ perceived equity of rewards. If the distribution of rewards is not considered equitable by employees then motivating effects of rewards will vanish. There will be feeling of cognitive dissonance in employees and to remove this feeling, he will either alter his inputs to the work or will demand changes in rewards. The soft HRM approach dealing with human processes designs reward system to improve employees’ perceived equity while hard HRM fails to do so. According to Herzberg, working conditions, pay, good company policy and interpersonal relationships are called hygiene factors and their presence removes job dissatisfaction. The hygiene factors are well cared by soft HRM approach. The hard one fails to provide hygiene factors because its main objective is to accomplish a task in most economical terms as possible. It is only the soft HRM approach that has clear and functional policies and procedures about occupational health and safety. (Noe, 2003). Soft HRM approach looks to build long term relationship with employees. It opens all channels of communication such as upward, downward and lateral. Moreover grapevine and management by objective techniques are also used by managers to delve deeper into employees’ problems and requirements. Hard HRM only uses formal and hierarchical communication channel. This is also the cause for many communication breakdown and distortion. The most important feature of soft HRM is of mentoring and socialization which greatly helps in building cooperative and trustful corporate culture and environment.
Compensation and benefit programs Essay
Compensation and benefit programs for employees need to be an exceptional offer that is developed to attract and retain the best and talented employees. A merit pay compensation strategy is used for an incentive pay based on goals and achievements set by the employer. Compensations that are recommended for this company is a health benefit package that is managed by the employees. This package consists of medical, vision, and dental coverage. The medical insurance is PPO and HMO of choice. Dental coverage has a limit per person of $1500 of service a year. Vision has free yearly eye exam and discount cost on eyewear. This will make the employees feel proud and valued to work for this organization. Conclusion The fundamental purpose and the objective of the organization compensation are to provide equitable rewards that are appropriate for employees that highlight from their abilities, skills, and the contributions to the company. Employee compensation has key factors and strategies would help this company maintain satisfactory of the employees and the organization as a whole. A compensation structure and benefit strategy is analyzed for a medium size organization and market evaluation and position. The company strategy consists of cost, ability to pay, legal requirements, which motivate and maintain skilled employees. The plan has provided performance incentives and merit pay for the employees that are suitable for their employees. The laws of benefits and pay programs are provided so that the organization has proper and informed choices that would benefit the employer and employees. The compensation and benefit program is essential to new hires decision to remain employed for the company.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Assignment: The New World Order
Abstract There is a global economic phenomenon currently occurring in which the major banking families have gained a monopoly over the world's economies. This phenomenon has raised suspicions which has led to the conspiracy theory of ‘The New World Order'. This conspiracy theory focuses on the questionable climb to power that the major banking families have achieved over centuries and the esoteric strategies that each generation has worked in line with to ultimately gain world domination through creating a global mono-nation.Contents Page Official strory The theory chosen and why The elites rise to power How they have stayed in that position and possible threats How they plan to carry out the rest of the plan The significance of the new world order to new zealanders Bibliography Extra information Official story There is a global economic phenomenon currently reoccurring in which the major banking and/or Corporate Empire families have gained a monopoly over the world's economies .These major banking families, also known as the global elite, consist of the Morgan's, Rockefellers, Carnegies, Warburg's of Hamburg, Kuhn Loeb's of New York, the Goldman Sachs, the Lazard's of Paris, and the Rothschilds of Paris and London (said to be the most influential). These families own almost all, if not all, the central banks around the world. They also control the large oil and energy empires. When a country's economy falls, or goes into a recession, these Banks and Empires are the ones who still earn immense profits and make the effort to buy the competition out.They are known to fund candidates for presidential and priministerial elections, and also participate in exclusive meetings involving the highest of society. This amount of power that the global elite have gained has raised suspicions, and with the extensive evidence collected it supports the conclusions that have been drawn. The conspiracy theory â€Å"A New World Order†has emerged explaining why this ph enomenon is occurring.This theory involves the global elite participating in an esoteric plan to take control of the world's monetary system, and energy sources, and reduce the world population by 80%. This means they will effectively gain complete domination over the world through creating a mono-nation. There are different versions to this one conspiracy theory where aspects like religion are emphasized and the plan is to rid the world of religion. There is aslo a common conspiracy theory where globalization is used to gain world domination, instead of the creation of a mono-nation.The creation of a mono-nation seems to correspond with the evidence collected, a lot more logically than globalization, and I have found that even though religion is slowly becoming a thing of the past, it is still strong in many cases and will not get pushed to the side too soon. So I have concluded that the conspiracy theory that most closely corresponds with the evidence found is that the global elit e are planning to take over the world's monetary system, and energy sources following an esoteric strategy that will lead to world domination through the creation of a mono-nation.The position of the global elite is explained using the pyramid structure add pic We ordinary humans, the tax payers, are at the bottom of this triangle being exploited, along with the environment around us. We carry out our daily lives putting up with what is occurring around us. We every day, common joes follow the laws that are put in place by the government which is funded by our taxes. This places the government above us. If the government needs money it turns to the central banks.Because of the shear size and power of some corporations, some being larger then some national economies and also due to the fact that corporations fund the political campaigns and influence the decided successor through lobbying, the government can only sit above human/normal people with corporatocracy sitting just above. T hese powerful corporations include Bechtel, Exxon Mobil owned by the Rockefellers, GE (General Electric), Monsanto owned by Pfizer, News Corporation owned by Rupert Murdoch, Pfizer owned by share holders which include Citigroup (the Rothschild's) and Deusche Bank (the Warburg's).Above corporatocracy is the Big Banks including Citibank's (Rothchilds), Chase (Morgan's), Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and HSBC ( Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation). These banks fund the corporations by offering loans at special rates. This allows the coporations to complete their goals. Further above the Big Banks are the National Central Banks, such as the Federal Reserve which is controlled by a mix of the elite, and the Bank of England which is known to be controlled by the Rothschilds. Almost all countries have a Central Bank (funded by the Rothschilds) which commercial banks are members of.These Central Banks control the amount of money is in circulation and also set interest ra tes. They are above the four lower levels because they loan money out to governments at interest. These National Central Banks rely on the International Central Banks, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank to make more money while exploiting the countries they lend to. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is right at the top of the pyramid because it holds a significant amount of control over the global financial system by setting the amount of money banks around the world need to have.BIS is controlled by the elite and holds around 10% of the monetary reserves from at least 80 of the world's central banks. BIS serves as the lender for the last resort to stop a global financial collapse . The start of the elite monopoly game is known to have begun at Mayer Amschel Bauer of house of Rothschild. How the elite came to power†¦.. The evidence collected centralized around the Rothschilds, Morgans and Rockefellers. A little focused on some of the others but didn't cover the history of all the families so the conspiracy theory is concentrated around the Morgans, Rockerfellers, and the Rothschilds. Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws. †– Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild Mayer Amschel Bauer (son of Moses Amschel Bauer, who was a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house) was born 1743 in Frankfurt, Germany. After the death of his father, his name becomes Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He created the Illuminati in 1776 with Adam Weishaupt, for the soul purpose to divide all non-Jews through all aspects including political, economical, and social. Incidents were to be provided to complete these plans.This first incident would be the French Revolution. The first attempt at this halted to a stop when the instructions to start the revolutions fell into Bavarian authorities' hands. To complete their first goal the Illuminati went to Britain, who ignored the Bavarian government's warning about the illuminati and their plan. so in 1789-1793 the French Revolution took place. The revolution allowed the bankers to make more money as the Roman Church had less control over taxes. With the success in Europe the Rothschilds went to America to move forward.With the help of their agent in George Washington’s cabinet (Alexander Hamilton) they created America's first central bank in 1791. The First Bank of the United States was established with a 20 year charter. The charter then runs out in 1811 and when congress votes against its renewal the Rothschilds become angry and start to work towards another US central bank. The French bank de Rothschild Freres is set up in 1812. During 1815, the Rothschilds gain control of the British economy when a new Bank of England was set up and controlled by the Rothschilds after Napoleon was defeated.By the end of the 1800s it was estimated that the Rothschilds owned half of the world's wealth. This period of time is known as the â€Å"Age o f the Rothschilds†. In 1814 the Rothchilds and the Warburgs were tied together, and that same year the first attempt at a one world government failed when the Tsar Alexander 1 of Russia refused to have a Rothschild owned central bank during the Congress of Vienna. Nathan Mayer Rothschild was enraged and swore he would kill the Tsar Alexander I's entire family and descendants. The Rothschilds gain control of Americas money again through one of their central banks in 1816.This control spiralled downhill when President Andrew Jackson started to remove money from the Rothschild's second Bank of the United States placing the deposits into banks directed by Democrats. The panicked Rothschilds constrict the money supply through BUS President, Nicholas Biddle (agent for the Paris-based Jacob Rothschild), and America is thrown into a depression. Enlightened President Jackson states, â€Å"You are a den of thieves and vipers, and I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out. †There were two failed attempts to assassinate President Jackson.One assassin later bragged that the powerful people promised him that if he got caught he would be protected. That assassin was trialled and found not guilty by way of insanity. Before President Jackson died in 1845 he noted his greatest achievement, â€Å"I killed the bank†. Under Jackson's rule the US debt went to $0. 00 for the first, and last time. Even though the Rothschilds were unable to directly influence the USA, they were able to influence the USA through the House of Morgan, from 1838, who presided over the American finances from Wall Street and Broad.They were also able to use the Rockefellers who, in 1863, started to from the business Standard Oil. In 1873 Albert Pike, an American General, who was enticed into the illuminati, completes the blue prints for the world wars and revolutions. The differences between the British and the Germans was to be the spark to start the First W orld War, during which the promise made to the eliminate the Tsars was to be carried out. The Tsar was to be replaced with Communism. World War Two was to ferment controversy between Facism and political Zionism, bring hatred against Germany, and increase the power of Communism.The Third World War was to stir up hatred of the Muslims to get the Islamic world and the Zionists to fight against one another, all while remaining nations become exhausted after being forced to fight against one another. The Rothschilds' luck continued to go bad with US Presidents when Abraham Lincoln, seeing what the banks were doing, started to print his own money. This did not allign with the Rothschild's plan and Lincoln was assassinated. In the 1893 recession, the House of Morgan saved the US Government using Rothschild gold.Author Gabriel Kolko stated, â€Å"Morgan’s activities in 1895-1896 in selling US gold bonds in Europe were based on an alliance with the House of Rothschild. †In 18 97 the Zionist movement is founded by the Rothschilds who elect Theodos Herzl as the President of the Zionist movement. in 1909 Jacob Schiff founds the National Advancement for the Association of the Coloured People (NAACP). This society was crreated to promote a greater split between whites and blacks. In 1913 the Rothschild get their final Central Bank for America called the Federal Reserve.During World War One, the Morgans fund half of the US war effort. The Rothschilds fund both sides of the war effort. While the Germans were winning the war, their government offers Britain an armictice but the Rothschilds, being one step ahead, sent one of their people to tell the British that they will enter on Britain's side if Britain agrees to give Palestine to the Rothchilds. The Balfour Declaration is sent. America enters the war. The Allies win and all the while the promise made to the Tsar is kept and the Tsars are destroyed.During thhis time the Bolsheviks gain conttrol over Russia. Th e Council of Foreign Relations is founded by Bernard Baruch and Colonel Edward Mandell House, under the orders of Jacob Schiff. The CFR's first job was to gain control of the press. John D. Rockefeller was given the task and set up national news agencies such as Life and Time. Bank of International Settlements, the BIS, the first Rothschild world bank, is established in 1930. Rothchilds fund German war efforts and that of the Allies during World War Two. The IMF and the World Bank are established in 1944.In the spring of 1948, US President Truman recognised Israel as a sovreign state after being bribed by the Rothschilds duing his campaign. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy is assasinated after trying to give the US government control over it's currency without it passing through the Federal Reserve. By 1985 the Rothschilds are known to control all three leading US television news networks , NBC, CBS, and ABC. In 2001, the September 9/11 attacks, (another conspiracy theory linked t o the Rothschilds), are said to have been caused so populations will give up their liberty for a sense of security.Afganistan is one of the 7 countries at that time not to have a Rothschild owned Central Bank. The US attack Afganistan. When America invaded Iraq, Iraq was only one out of 6 countries that didn't have a Rothschild owned Central Bank, and also had an extensive water supply that Israel needed. In 2006 the French Rothchilds are the first foriegn banking family that gained China's approval to enter their financial market. Just last year there were reports that there were only 3 countries without Rothschild owned Central Banks: North Korea, Cuba and Iran. The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U. S. since the days of Andrew Jackson. †– U. S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a letter written Nov. 21, 1933 to Colonel E. Mandell House These families have worked their way up the social and financial ladder using murder, intimidation and bribery. Using these same methods they have gained control over the world's monetary system. They have power over the non-renewable, natural energy sources, such as oil and gas.There is also evidence to suggest they are sabotaging developmental, renewable energy sources and they are still trying to suppress free energy. â€Å"This information coming out would completely change geo-political power more than anything in human history. †– Steven Greer, Disclosure and Orion Projects The conspiracy theory focuses mainly on the Rothschilds, but as most of these families are joined together through marrige, and deals, they are consequently all a part of these vile acts. The murder of 3 of the most well known US Presidents were at the hands of these global elite, Jackson, Lincoln, and JF Kennedy.They are skilled in bribery and manipulation, for example US President Truman was extremely influenced by these famil ies at the time they set up the Federal Reserve, showing that no person, no matter what their position, or country wants to go up against such powerful families. These aspects have allowed them to dominate our world's monetary system and the unrewable souces of energy such as oil (Rockefellers Standard Oil), nuclear and most electricity companies. Free energy relates to an energy that is clean, will always be able to be used and, most of all will be free to everyone. The implications are in plain sight.If everyone had free energy there would be no need for oil, or any of those other companies that have been exploiting us and our environment. There are many examples of these free energy machines that have been tested successfully but never see the light, as the scientists are suppressed. One of these examples is Haskell Karl, a free energy inventor who claimed that he had made a machine that worked and producded energy with only the use of air, called the AATE. In the early 1960s he took it to Wyle Testing Laboratory to be trialled. They could not understand how it worked and so asked if he could leave it with them over night.Haskell refused and took his machine home. He and his associate were to meet with President JF Kennedy to demonstrate the machine but before the meeting, Haskell's associates and the machine went missing. There was also a supposed deal with China which failed to go ahead when the main individual died of a mysterious heart attack. Scard Haskell went into hiding. Another well known scientist and inventor was Nikola Tesla who, financially supported by J. P Morgan, created the Wardwnclyffe Laboratory and its transmitting tower between 1901and 1905.The transmitter was, along with being the first radio transmitter, capable of transmitting power without wires to any point on the globe. This presented Morgan and the rest of the global elite with a problem. Morgan's famous comment about this was â€Å"If anyone can draw on the power, where do we p ut the meter? â€Å". The incomplete tower was demolished for war time security mesures in 1917. History and present day accounts are littered with these supressed inventions and inventors. It has gotten to the point where scientists are too scared to speak up.There are cases where inventors have been murdered or thrown into jail because they have threatened these powerful families with the creation of free energy, which could lead to their possible fall from power. I can only come to the thought that this conspiracy theory involves the creation of a mono-nation (one state, one set of rules, one government and no laws for the elite) rather than globalization (independent sovreign countries with trading between) through how they have already acted in the past. I have also found some of the ways the global elite are already starting to impliment this plan for a one world government with the reation of free trade agreements which join countries together. This also means that small com panies will miss out on the pay that they may have recieved if the big companies had to pay taxes. With the control of the media the global elite are able to fix into our minds what is normal and what is not. There used to be 88 media companies in America. Now there are 6 media companies that exist today. All 6 of these get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the AP, and the Rothschilds own Reuters. Effectively they have created the largest army possible.We get fed the information through the media without asking many questions, then when someone who does not agree with a certain thing speaks up they are pushed to the side. The global elite also have another agenda in their plan to create their mono-nation. In order to gain more power they have a goal of decreasing the global population by up to 80%. This would mean there are less people to exert their influence and control over. This would make it easier for them to remain in power, as there would be less people who might question their motives. There are a few areas where this population control agenda have arisen.The growing potency of GMO foods has been directly related to the lowering sperm counts in males globally. Women around the world have been sterillized without their permission. These are the few examples of how the global elite are slowly lowering the world population. Also around America ‘camps' have been erected to ‘fix the situation' of overpopulation. New Zealand is a part of the global elites' plan as well. Our history also contains an extensive amount of evidence that we are a part of the New World Order going right back to 1967. In this year a texas oil billionaire, Nelson Bunker Hunt, finds a huge oil source south of New Zealand.That same year Placid Oil is granted drilling rights in the Great South Baisin after Finance Minister, Rob Muldoon, recieves $US100,000 loan from Hunt's Placid Oil Co. In 1969 Onassis Oil calls for a council meeting to discuss a plan to monopolize the Great South Basin in Washington DC. The council members include John McCloy, Nelson Rockefeller, and David Rockefeller. A plan to control all New Zealand and Australian oil and mineral resources are outlined by McCloy. 1970 Onassis Oil start setting in place their plan by creating the AIFC (Australian International Finance Corporation) using ANZ (Australia and New Zealand Bank).ANZ is also a Rothschild owned bank. Also in 1970, Japanese business men (with strong connections to the global elite) move to New Zealand and with the help of Finance Minister Muldoon and others Mitsubishi and Mitsu buy rights to iron sands. Muldoon also helps Mitsu obtain the 320million cubic foot Kiangaroa Foresty contract with Carter Holt. By buying New Zealand's largest travel company, Atlantic and Pacific Travel, the Fletchers help extend the Rockefeller Travellodge operation.In 1971, Muldoon changes the law to allow Mafia-controlled banks to opperate in New Zealand when Onassi s and Rockerfeller began to buy influence for this New World Order. Connections are also made between Renouf in New Zealand United Corp and global elite. In 1972 Bob Seldon an associate of Gulf Oil helps to establish New Zealand's first international banks which include N. Z. I, Bank of New Zealand, Morgan Guarranty Trust, Morgan Grenfel and S. F. Warburg. This same year Norman Kirk is elected Priminister of New Zealand. n 1974 Norman Kirk, along with Gough Whitlam, begin to move against the Mafia Trilateralists which opposes the global elites' plans. Kirk introduced and applied a tough Anti-monopoly Bill and also, using price regulation and a wages policy, tried to redistribute income from the big companies to the labour force. Kirk also rejected the plan for Dunedin to have a second Aulminum smelter, setting himself up to gain more control over New Zealand oil resources through the Petroleum Amendment Bill. Kirk had also found out about the large resource of oil Hunt Petrolium had found while drilling in the Great South Basin.There was enough oil and gas resources that New Zealand would be eble to become self sufficient for years. These facts were kept quiet by the big companies to prevent the oil prices lowering, as this would not go with the plans of OPEC and Onassis for the Arabs to be achieved. During 1975 the elections are held with Rowling verses Muldoon. Muldoon wins after oil companies pour money in to support Muldoon's campaign through the National Bank of New Zealand (who's general manager is a member of the Todd Foundations; Investment Board Director Tudhope also Managing Director of Shell Oil andChairman Shell/BP/Todd foundations). In 1977 Muldoon travels to the US to meet with Rockefeller officials not the US Government. Petrolcorp is set up by Muldoon in 1978. Taxpayers pay for exploration costs while the big oil companies control the outlets. Muldoon also plans to to re-open National Parks for the exploitation of our minerals. 1981 New Zealand Oil & Gas (NZOG), with strategic holdings by Jones, Renouf and Brierley launches. Through the Pike River Coal Company NZOG controlled 80 million tonnes of coal.Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch and Hawkes Bay Gas is owned by Brierley. Shell/BP/Todd Foundations and Fletcher Challenge control Liquigas Limited. New Zealand was the first countary to install EFPOS (owned by the Rothschilds ANZ and Bank of New Zealand). Cash is rarely used as EFTPOS and the newer internet banking system has become more popular. The Rothschilds also own our National Rugby League, owned Ansett New Zealand airlines, and own the New Zealand Reserve Bank.Our current Priminister, John Key, used to work for Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch, and apparently one time when he got drunk, before he became priminister, he said that he was chosen to be the next New Zealand Priminister. Goldman Sachs have control over half of our media. In June, John Key signed an agreement with NATO (controlled and founded by the globa l elite). It also seems that our natural resources have come in to play again. Since John Key has been in power it was New Zealand's protestors that saved our National Parks being gutted out to find minerals.John Key's Speech to the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, 26 May 2009: â€Å"The move toward a single economic market is an attempt to really integrate the investment protocols and also ultimately the behind the border issues that ultimately both countries face†An Asia-Pacific Union†â€Å"The medium term challenge for both countries is actually to be fully integrated into Asia†â€Å"Quite what the future opportunities will look like is not yet clear. But compared with 75 years ago the international landscape is vastly different, and in many ways more conducive to achieving the global solution the OECD Secretary-General called for. â€Å"We are engaged in an FTA negotiation with Korea. And, of course, we have just signed an FTA with the ten ASEAN nations, which potentially connects New Zealand to the embryonic single market in East Asia (CEPEA). New Zealand must be part of a web of bilateral and plurilateral trade links that are being established throughout the Asia-Pacific region. †â€Å"We need to be plugged into the security arrangements that govern peace and stability in the region. These are multilateral arrangements, but our bilateral security relationships in the region are also important.New Zealand has a strong interest in robust US engagement in the region. †â€Å"The Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) is the plurilateral framework that will underpin the future development of trade across the region. This agreement envisages a free trade agreement between Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Island countries. †â€Å"When we met in March, Kevin Rudd and I set out an ambitious agenda of initiatives. To build prosperity, we want to break down barriers at the borders, w hether for investment, tourism, or for people flows.We want to erode barriers behind the borders, by exploring further harmonisation on climate change, science and innovation and domestic regulation where that makes sense. And we want to tackle barriers to prosperity beyond our borders, by promoting open markets and healthy capital flows around the world. When I go to Australia again in August, Kevin Rudd and I will review progress on those initiatives, and set new goals towards creating a truly single, economic market. The importance of that in raising New Zealand’s performance and productivity cannot be understated. â€Å"
Floods in India Essay
India, being a peninsular country and surrounded by the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal, is quite prone to flood. As per the Geological Survey of India (GSI), the major flood prone areas of India cover almost 12.5% area of the country. Every year, flood, the most common disaster in India causes immense loss to the country’s property and lives. India Flood Prone Areas The states falling within the periphery of â€Å"India Flood Prone Areas†are West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Assam, Bihar, Gujrat, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab. The intense monsoon rains from southwest causes rivers like Brahmaputra, Ganga, Yamuna etc. to swell their banks, which in turn floods the adjacent areas. Over the past few decades, central India has become familiar with precipitation events like torrential rains and flash floods. The major flood prone areas in India are the river banks and deltas of Ravi, Yamuna-Sahibi, Gandak, Sutlej, Ganga, Ghaggar, Kosi, Teesta, Brahmaputra, Mahanadi, Mahananda, Damodar, Godavari, Mayurakshi, Sabarmati and their tributaries. Though the north-Indian plains prone to flood more, the â€Å"India flood prone areas†can be broadly categorized in three divisions: Besides the Ganga, rivers like Sarada, Rapti, Gandak and Ghagra causes flood in eastern part of Uttar Pradesh. The Yamuna is famous for flooding Haryana and Delhi. Bihar experiences massive dangerous flood every year. River Burhi, Bagmati, Gandak, Kamla along with many small rivers contribute to that. In West Bengal, rivers like Mahananda, Bhagirathi, Damodar, Ajay etc. causes floods because of tidal effects and insufficient river channels. * Brahmaputra and Barak Basins: The river banks of Brahmaputra and Barak gets flooded due to the Surplus water found in the Brahmaputra basin and the Barak basin. These rivers along with their tributaries flood the northeastern states like West Bengal, Assam and Sikkim. Jaldakha, Teesta and Torsa in northern West Bengal and rivers in Manipur often overflow their banks. * Central India and Deccan Rivers Basin: In Orissa, spilling over of river banks by Mahanadi, Baitarni and Brahmani causes havoc. The deltaic area formed by these three rivers is thickly populated. Even some small rivers of Kerala and mud stream from the nearby hills add on to the destruction. Southern and central India observes floods caused by Narmada, Godavari, Tapi, Krishna and Mahanadi due to heavy rainfall. Cyclonic storms in the deltaic regions of Godavari, Mahanadi and Krishna even floods the coastal regions of Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and Tamil Nadu occasionally.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The effect the Hawthorne Studies has had on contemporary management Essay
The effect the Hawthorne Studies has had on contemporary management - Essay Example Nonetheless, the performance of a company is influenced by the productivity of employees. Therefore, management in a company mainly influences the employees and their performance. In this case, therefore, effective management in a company increases the productivity of the company, while poor management might lead to the decline in company performance. Putting the success of companies in perspective, it is clear that the aspect of management is a major determinant. Therefore, management is a possible answer to the question of failure or success of a company. Nonetheless, in order to find a solution or an answer to a problem, it is important to undertake an investigation. A good example of an experiment or investigation that was launched to find a solution to a problem is the Hawthorne studies, which was in the form of experiments. This paper therefore, explores the influence of Hawthorne studies on contemporary management. The Hawthorne Studies are made up of different investigations into the essence off attitudes and behaviors of different social, economic, and physical variables at the workplace (Jones 1991). The major investigations of the Hawthorne Studies were conducted between the years 1927 and 1932 at the Hawthorne Works, a company near Chicago that dealt with the manufacture of electricity. According to Levitt & List (2009) the major aim of the Hawthorne studies was to investigate the different factors in the environment at the workplace influenced the productivity of workers. In these studies, the factors that were tested in five different stages included lighting, adjusted hours of work, and additional breaks. Nonetheless, conclusions from the Hawthorne studies showed that the productivity of workers would increase, if the workers were aware that they are under observation. The researchers in this case found out that changing the light intensity or other variables in the work environment was not the major cause of increased productivity of workers. Ho wever, the workers’ productivity increased when the workers were aware that they were being observed closely. Therefore, the aspect of constant supervision and active monitoring of the workers led to their increased productivity (Porter 2002). Nonetheless, through the Hawthorne studies, the modern managers can learn many important lessons in management of their companies, as Hawthorne studies majorly revolve around the subject of management as practiced in the field. Therefore, the Hawthorne studies manifest itself in different ways in the modern management practices in companies. Managers today can learn and apply the principles in Hawthorne studies to their management practices with respect to their specific environments, in order to achieve similar outcomes (Sonnenfeld 1985). According to Muldoon (2012), some of the most important management aspects that managers today can learn from the Hawthorne studies include some aspects of scientific management, organizational behavi or, and the quantitative approach. In addition, Porter (2012) notes that, using the Hawthorne studies and understanding the phenomenon underlying this principle, managers today can apply a similar approach to a variety of modern processes. Managers can utilize techniques of psychological motivation to modern processes to increase productivity, decrease defects, and ensure that there is continuity in improvement. Organizational behavior mainly revolves around the actions of people in an organization. In Hawthorne
Enviroment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Enviroment - Research Paper Example There are varying sources of carbon dioxide especially the quantities found in the earth’s atmosphere. For example, environmentalists put the number at about 391 ppm (parts per million). Similarly, there is volcanic gassing, burning of fuels, combustion of organic matter and power generation that result to the excessive release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Kemp 145). Other sources of carbon dioxide are cited as natural especially the decomposition of organic matter found in the grasslands and the forests. There is also notable emission of the gas into the environment from the respiration existing aerobic organisms. There are several effects of carbon dioxide in the environment in respect to the health of human beings and the immediate environment. For instance, in terms of positive effects, there are plant growths especially during the photosynthesis and transpiration processes. However, the negative effects supersede the positive such as the increase of the earth temperature. This eventually leads to global warming that finally leads to acidic rain. In other words, there is a mix of rainfall of carbon dioxide that comes in form of smoke from burning charcoal. On that account, the acidic rain affects crops by depositing acids especially in the oceans when it ends up poisoning sea creatures (McMichael & World Health Organization 145). In other words, the carbonic acid also affects crops by burning their leaves leaving traces of elements such as zinc and lead. The increase in earth temperatures also results to the warming of water bodies such as lakes, seas and rivers hence affecting creatures t hat have a direct dependence on water bodies. In the same view, there are also anthropogenic health risks of carbon dioxide that are paramount apart from the environmental effects. These are the human impacts of the gas upon the biophysical environments and other biodiversity resources.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Markets and the Economy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Markets and the Economy - Term Paper Example These built-in stabilizers are: transfer payments and income taxes. During economic downturn, government employs loose fiscal policy in order to increase aggregate demand which leads the economy towards recovery. The government offers subsidiaries to the business sector in order to reduce the level of unemployment. The tax cut increase the profit at the cost of decrease government revenue. According to the Keynesian economists, an expansionary fiscal policy employed by the government during the recession could stabilize the economy. This is so because as the result of this policy aggregate demand will increase that will stimulate the passive economy. This point of view of loose fiscal policy is rejected by many economists on the ground that the increase in aggregate demand (AD) will generate the crowding out situation in an economy. A crowding out situation means the fall in the spending of the private sector as the result of increased government spending. However, this rejection is ruled out by the counter argument that ‘crowding out’ will not formulate because the government will increase its spending only by using its previously unemployed resources. IS curve is a curve that is formed to show a negative relation between the interest rate and the income. During the time period of recession, the effectiveness of the fiscal policy depends on the sensitivity of IS curve. The effect of the fiscal policy will be greater in case of steeper IS curve whilst it will be less in case of flatter IS curve. Thus, in case of inelastic IS curve (steeper) the fiscal policy will be effective due to a little crowding out of the private investment. Khan (2010) indicated in an article that it is important for economies to keep deficit as low as possible in order to be able to meet the deficit by use of domestic resources or by borrowing from international fund providers. A low budget deficit helps an economy to become stabilized early by meeting
Checks and Balances in the American Government Essay
Checks and Balances in the American Government - Essay Example This distinction and assignation of political powers is reflected in the political structure of the American government. The division of the government into three branchesâ€â€the executive, legislative, and judiciary branchesâ€â€is one way through which American society makes sure that their rights are respected, and the appointed individuals to represent the government will accomplish their responsibilities in accordance to what was mandated by the Constitution. Checks and balances work within the government in an overlapping and interdependent manner. The judiciary branch is the decision-making body that implements the American Constitution, and is not wholly liable to both executive and legislative branches of the government. It works with the legislative branch to the extent that the Congress proposes and passes bills which then become laws, which will then be utilized and implemented by the Judiciary. The executive branch, headed by the President, governs the American political society, overseeing that the political systems departments and agencies are functioning and servicing the citizenry. It is accountable to both judiciary and legislative branches in that the President and the agencies are responsible in ensuring that no anomalies or irregularities in the political processes happen. Lastly, the legislative branch of the government ensures that the society will benefit most from the government by providing them with laws that take ca re of the welfare of the citizenry.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Explain how the value of property is affected by changes in the Essay
Explain how the value of property is affected by changes in the property market - Essay Example Even economic harmonisation in the form of the inception of the European Union has failed to change the uniquely individual property market and value practices in the EU member states.This is true even today despite the same observations carried out by Downie (1995) and McIntosh and Ellis 1994).These factors which affect property values differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction based on the different business and economic cultures within the European Union member states which will result in the variability of valuation approaches from country to country (Downie et al., 1996). Moreover these factors will also be affected by financial, fiscal and economic environments of a country with the result of widely divergent real estate structures.These factors as understood by Waroloa and Bernask (1996) can have direct and indirect influences upon the structure, operation and valuation of the real estate concerns in an economy.With reference to the particular set up of Europe they observed that these factors include Factors like those set out in the Table below. The modern international property market as lacking a central trading centre has often been largely criticised as a reason that the value of property prices will always be victim to the particular circumstances of a country as the market is not based on a cluster of geographical and sectoral submarkets.The problem is no two properties (with the exception of homogenous flats a building arguably) are identical and there is a significant information gap for those involved in such transactions.Here we can contrast the Property market with the Equity and Bonds market in the sense that this information gap for the realtor and the buyer necessitates the use of market valautions.This same estimate of price is likely to stay in a state of flux due to the divergent valuation methods and different political weather amongst many other factors
Marketing Mix Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marketing Mix - Research Paper Example According to the research findings there are four significant elements of the marketing mix in as far as marketing a business organization’s products and services are concerned. These elements, also known as the four Ps of marketing include product, price, place and promotion. The marketing mix is therefore a combination of promotion, product place and pricing strategies intended to generate equally satisfying exchanges within a target market. According to Ehmke business organizations have to design a successful mix of the product, price, place and promotion. Product refers to the goods or services offered by the business organization or firm to its customers. Other than the physical product itself, there exist also a number of elements associated with the product, which attracts customers. Other attributes of a product include features, brand name, warranties, options, services and quality. A business organization’s products appearance, support and function sum u p what an organization’s customer is essentially buying. Successful business organization managers pay keen attention to the needs their product package addresses for their prospective customers as it is the right products that satisfy the needs of their prospective customers. On the other hand, price refers to how much a business organization charges its products or services. Out of all the elements of the marketing mix, price is the only one that gives rise to sales revenue since all the other elements are costs. The price of a product or service is thus a significant determinant of the sales value made. According to Ehmke (2005), determining the price of a product or service is often a tricky as well as a frightening exercise for a number of business organizations. Pricing has to take into account a number of internal as well external factors such as actual costs, prices of competing products or services, expected profit margins, as well as the likely legal restricti ons. However, in theory, prices are determined by discovering what the customers perceive is the value of the product or service on sale. Researching customers’ (consumers) opinions regarding pricing is therefore important as this points out how they value, what they are looking for in a product or service as well as what they intend to pay (Ehmke, 2005).Product price ought therefore to be right, as consumers need to purchase in large amounts to produce healthy profits. Place refers to the channels of distribution that a business organization employs in order to get its products or services to its customers. Ensuring the product or service is at the right place and at the right time involves the channels or system of distribution. The choice of the channel of distribution by an organization depends on various circumstances. For instance, a number of organizations sell their products or services to wholesalers who thereafter sell it to retailers. Other organizations, on the other hand, prefer selling directly to retailers or consumers (Ehmke, 2005). Promotion refers to how a business organization informs prospective customers about the availability of products, its prices and its place. The purpose of promotion is to ensure prospective custo
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Different Color, Different Treatment (Research Paper) Research Paper
Different Color, Different Treatment ( ) - Research Paper Example Many of these spheres are defined by stereotypes. Those stereotypes determine the nature of the space that is inhabited. How someone reacts to the others around them must be understood through the culturally developed stereotypes that define the potential of the experience that someone has in coming into contact with others on the street. The experience of the American street is a place where visceral prejudices come alive. Where in social gatherings prejudices can be dampened, set aside in order to create relationships that cross boundaries and develop into meaningful interactions, when one encounters an unknown person on a street, the only framework in which to define the potential of that experience is through culturally developed ‘types’. The unfortunate consequence of these types is that the nature of some are automatically considered to have a negative connotation. The concept of the young African American male brings forth a sense of fear, the nature of his repres entation in culture being angry and violent. The media represents the young African American male through concepts that have developed through stereotyping that occurs on television, through music videos, and through past prejudices that created the concept of the militant angry young African American youth. ... This, of course, is not limited to the African American male. There are many stereotypes that become prominent in public spaces when encounters are not framed through introductions. Part of the problem is the high level of population condensed into cities in which most of the people have no interconnections to one another. Because the nature of modern life has created smaller and more intimate conditions of community, there are far more strangers in the world than were once part of American life. In addition, with some of the more prominent crime sprees that have happened, including terrorist acts, more people are now considered ‘enemies’ which creates a type of anxiety that ends in a hyper vigilance that performs as a barrier between people. Being open to interactions with strangers leaves one open and vulnerable to ‘dangers’ that are perceived through the many communications that have framed ‘types’ for their ‘inclinations’ toward s creating chaos. Prejudice In 1954, Gordon Allport wrote a seminal book on the nature of prejudice and how it affects human relationships. He states as he begins to define the concept of prejudice that â€Å"No corner of the world is free from group scorn†, which is an appropriate way in looking at the nature of prejudice. Society groups people into categories in order to impose order upon the integration of multiple cultural backgrounds that ends in differences that can be visually seen in ethnic qualities. The way in which language is used to define groups, by suggesting that someone is African American, Native American, or Asian American, suggests that when someone has ethnic markers, this places them in a different social groups. However, it is important
Social Constructionism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Social Constructionism - Research Paper Example It is strongly argued that social constructionism is directly responsible for the â€Å"critical†status given to modern social psychology. Gough & McFadden site four main fundamental ideals within social constructionism, which may also be applied to critical social psychology. First of all, the individual is always (and already) existent and located within society. Secondly, the individual is always situated within systems of difference and inequality within society to some extent. Thirdly, power within society is frequently associated with language and presentation. Finally, research should aim to challenge oppression and promote social change. Gough and McFadden believe that ‘the first and crucial point to make is that social constructionism represents a ‘turn to language’ in social theory.’ Therefore the representation, meaning and interpretation of events are what form the key elements comprising the social constructionists agenda whilst simultan eously providing a basis for critical social psychology. Since the introduction of the social constructionist theory, the main attention of critical social psychology has become focussed upon breaking down and studying differing accounts of everyday social activity.Social learning suggests that aggression is something that is learned and acquired by the self through direct experience or simply by observing the behaviour of others (modelling). Using these methods, the self assimilates the ability to seek appropriate occasions to exercise this particular character trait.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Ethics of Gene Therapy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethics of Gene Therapy - Case Study Example The term cloning encompasses three different procedures leading to different results. These are embryo cloning (artificial twinning), adult DNA cloning (reproductive cloning) and therapeutic cloning (bio medical cloning). Of these three, therapeutic cloning seems to hold the maximum potential to breed humans (read human cloning). Human cloning is most aptly described as breeding humans for the purpose of harnessing tissues and organs from their bodies. Therapeutic cloning begins with the insertion on a human DNA into an ovum. A pre embryo is formed by giving electric shocks to the resultant ovum. The stem cells from the developed pre embryo are then extracted and subsequently provided an suitable environment where they develop into the required tissue or organ. These experiments are yet to produce any significant results. Once accomplished, the aim of developing organs or tissues which perfectly match with the recipient will be realized eliminating the fatal risk of rejection because the organ will be based on the recipient's genetic material. Human cloning is also expected to make new breakthroughs in rejuvenation, heart attack reversals, diabetics, leukemia, genetic disorders and even cancer. Despite the broad spectrum of benefits that human cloning offers, according to a poll, "63% believed that human cloning is against God's will and 90% considered it to be a bad idea" (Times, 2001). A Morgan poll conducted during November 2001 found that 70 percent of Australians aged 14 and over approved of extracting stem cells from human embryos to treat disease and injury. Seventy percent also believed that couples with excess embryos after infertility treatment should be able to donate them to research rather than discard them. However, when it came to using a patient's own genetic material to create a cloned embryo to be used as a source of stem cells (i.e. therapeutic cloning), just over half (55 percent) of the respondents approved, with 32 percent disapproving and 13 percent undecided (Morgan Poll, 2001).Animal cloning application as a regular process should be prevented and breeding of humans should also be strongly opposed to maintain the natural uniqueness of each individua l (Church of Scotland, 1997). These objections are not absolutely without any reasons. They do have apt explanations and sufficient grounds. Human cloning would produce a gamut of clones with reduced mental abilities and enhanced physical strengths which would make then highly susceptible to exploitation. Producing designer babies with enhanced skills would also lead to an excess of skilled persons thus decreasing the importance of talent and skill. Human cloning may also lead to emotional difficulties in the clone human's life. A child born from his father's DNA would in effect be a twin of his own father. This can also lead to a high degree of conundrum. There is no guarantee that human clones would be normal and they might even be suffering with life long disabilities. Any minor flaws while incorporating certain characteristics could as well create fictional monsters. Tampering with nature to an
U.S. Supreme Court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
U.S. Supreme Court - Essay Example Kagan became Pres. Obamas official nominee to replace retiring Associate Justice John Paul Stevens in 2010. It was easy to see why he would nominate her to the position. In his own words, Pres. Obama described her admirable character traits (Scherer, M., 2010) that led to her nomination as : â€Å"Elena is respected and admired not just for her intellect and record of achievement, but also for her temperament, her openness to a broad array of viewpoints, her habit  to borrow a phrase from Justice [John Paul] Stevens  of understanding before disagreeing, her fair-mindedness and skill as a consensus builder.†Ms. Kagan was nominated during a time of trial for our nation. America was in the grips of the worst recession to ever hit its people, the economy was in shambles and the previous Bush administration had often circumvented the law in order to fulfill its own political agenda. She was in effect, coming into a wounded supreme court that needed to be rehabilitated for hits own good. With her nomination, the president was merely trying to put the best person he could find in to fill the job. By his standards, she fit the bill to a T. There was no political agenda behind it and no lobby group behind her nomination. If there were, she would not have eventually been confirmed. That is not to say though that her nomination was without controversy. there were accusations coming from the GOP, who were actively campaigning against her nomination, that Kagan often defied the constitution by disallowing the military access to students on the Harvard campus during her tenure as Dean at the prestigious university. Columnist Phyllis Schlafly claimed that Kagan had â€Å"defied the Solomon Amendment" -- a statute requiring schools to provide the same access to military recruiters that they provide to other potential employers or lose federal funding†. While Foxs Sean Hannity also reported that she had â€Å"led an effort to "kick
Monday, September 23, 2019
The process of growth and thus there is no optimum size of firm Essay
The process of growth and thus there is no optimum size of firm - Essay Example The economic theory believes in the premise that an organization would exponentially increase in size and shape if its growth and development regimes are in line with its requirements and desires in the long run. This brings to mind the debate that the process of growth is essentially linked with its success, both within the short term equation as well as in the long run scheme of things (Napach 1998). It is easily deducible from the said perspective that there is no optimum size of the firm but it is a relative matter nonetheless. The focus must remain on the manner in which the firm if growing to make it sound as big rather than going by the sheer size. The international and regional contexts of the firm are very important to understand because this is a sign of expansion and growth which are very appreciable within the thick of things. Thus the argument that the process of growth is linked with the firm in terms of its expansion and development seems valid yet devoid of its optimum size at the same time. This is because firms like to associate their own selves with the growing demands of the business rather than opening up offices which are neither manageable nor controllable. There is a dire need to comprehend that a firm will only grow if it wants to grow from its own roots, rather than banking on realms which are non-essential for its own basis. Size is therefore a by-product of a firm’s growth and is just a matter of the dimensions which are present within the context of the firm itself. These are hailed as trivial and have no role whatsoever in its growth and development regimes (Penrose 1995). The argument seems logical because a firm would only depend on its resources to get it to a position where it was never a part of, rather than depending a great deal on the aspects which would increase its size, which remains to be seen as a major force to reckon with in the changing
ASDA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
ASDA - Essay Example Management, another problem, was too busy putting up stores and playing or having fun hiding themselves from the realities of the daily store activities. The buying department buys what it wants without asking what the marketing department and the store managers their inputs as to what to buy, when to buy and how many they will buy There are too many red tapes. What should Archie Norman do Archie Norman should talk (Elliott et al, 2002) with some key personnel of the company, from the top management down to the lowest ranking employees. He should also ask questions from walk in customers and passersby why the will or will buy or what they think of the company. Based on these facts, he will now come up with counter measures that will bring back the customers and the morale of the employees. The red tapes must be removed by reducing or terminating redundant top management people. He must help bring up the declining stock market price of ASDA shares (Exhibit 3) by institutionalizing major reforms in inter-departmental communication. What changes should Norman make, when, and in what order should be make them Archie Norman must institute many drastic changes NOW, not tomorrow, to improve the financial performance of ASDA. Most of its store outlets must lower their selling prices to bring back droves of its former loyal customers who could not afford the sudden increase in prices.The ASDA increased its upscale offerings to corner the rich client's market segment. The rich clients prefer to shop with upscale store which carried high end brands. A few branches of ASDA located near rich neighborhoods can still continue with its upscale offerings to continue serving its rich clients. Another change that Archie Norman will have to do is to call a general meeting of all its rank and file employees. The financial problem of the company will be brought out and each will submit before the meeting ends their comments, suggestions, and complaints.A select committee will be formed composed of the managers of each branch and other upper level management staff. They will now come up with projected (or forecasted) income statements and balance sheets. The forecast will be brainstormed by the different departments involved such as the finance department ( to give assurance that enough cash inflow will be available to pay its obligations when they become due), the buying department ( the buying department must only buy what the marketing department asks them to buy), marketing department ( the marketing department will make sales forecast based on its historical (past) sales trend and its new and more vigorous promotional ventures ( advertisements in the tri-media [ radio, t elevision, newspaper] to drum up sales), store managers ( each store is treated a cost center meaning they have to forecast their own sales and expenses and to explain why there is an increase or decrease in the assets, liabilities, capital, income and expenses for each month).Those top manager who have not performed well with no hope of improving will be retrenched after reviewing the results of the psychological tests given to them.All ASDA stores will now have a fast food corner. Since the customers have declined for the past few years ending 1991( Exibibit 4 sales per square foot of only 519), A fast food chain that will rival Mcdonalds inside an ASDA store will cater to
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Character Analysis of the Grandmother in Flannery O'Connor's story A Essay
Character Analysis of the Grandmother in Flannery O'Connor's story A Good Man is Hard to Find and Mrs. May in the story Green - Essay Example Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†is a story about a family that is going to Florida on vacation. However, on the way, they have an accident, and end up meeting an escaped convict and his posse, who end up killing the whole family. â€Å"Greenleaf†by Flannery O’Connor is a story about a widow, Mrs. May, who has singlehandedly, and without the help of her two adult sons, run a farm for fifteen years. She does not like her employee Greenleaf, nor his family. The story conveys her contempt and enviousness at seeing her employee’s sons succeed when hers have not, at least according to her standards. It ends by Mrs. May dying by being gored by a bull. The stories, written by the same author, do have some similar themes, however, the object of this paper is to identify the similarities of the protagonists of the two stories – the grandmother in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†and Mrs. May in â€Å"Greenleaf.â⠂¬ There is a definite sense in both stories that the protagonists are very aware and conscious of their social standing. What is more, they seem to revel in it, to the point where they think that they are not â€Å"common†folk, so to speak. The grandmother in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†while going with her family to the vacation, appears to be very conscious of the sort of clothes she has worn. It is explained that the reason for her to have done so is that in case they are involved in an accident, she wants others to know that she was a lady (422), and not a common woman. In order to keep up that appearance, she does not even allow her grandchildren to throw an empty sandwich box and the paper napkins out of the car window after they had a snack during the car ride. Mrs. May, in â€Å"Greenleaf,†also seems to harbor such ideas about herself. She does not like the idea that her son has become an insurance-man to African-Americans, or a â€Å"nigger insur ance-man†as she calls it (451). One of her biggest fears is that her sons, who are unmarried, will marry â€Å"trash,†thereby ruining everything she had sought to achieve, which is of course her social standing, or what she deems it to be. Another similarity between the two protagonists is that both of them are quite controlling. The grandmother wants her son to change her plan of vacation because she wants to go somewhere else, and for that she uses the excuse of The Misfit, the renegade convict right when the story starts. What is more, during the trip when she wants to visit her old house, she makes up a story to entice her grandchildren who, as expected by her, make a clamor till the father agrees to take them there (425). Mrs. May, similarly, seems to have a very controlling attitude. Even though throughout she has a feeling that she is the victim as nobody would help her, however, it is clear that she is the controlling one in the family – she does not wa nt to let go of the control she has over her sons. This is apparent from the way she gets her will changed so that even after her death her sons would not opt to marry, what she deems to be, low born girls, by putting in a proviso that if they do so, their wives would not inherit any money from them (451). Lastly, both the protagonists had a complicated relationship with their children. Bailey seems to be quite reluctant to listen to his mother, the grandmother of â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find.†What is more, he does not really associate with her much. Throughout the story, he seems aloof from her. Mrs. May’s sons, also, do not really have a close relationship with their mother. They do not follow in her footsteps to take over the farm, instead both of them go out and seek other professions. What is more, they do not appear sympathetic to their mother’s pleas either. This is perhaps due to the fact that she is controlling and feigns her victimization too much for their taste. Either way, the sons are not at all close to their mother nor are they supportive of her in any
Drug Use Amongst Police Officers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Drug Use Amongst Police Officers - Essay Example It also shows that key causes of the drug use that does exist include job-related stress, unique opportunity, and features of police culture. The effects of such drug use have negative impacts not just on the using officer, but also on colleagues and family. Durkheim's paradigm of functionalism is useful in analyzing this phenomenon. It helps explain how a poorly-functioning system can lead to increased police drug use, and a well-functioning system can reduce police drug use. Brunet (2003) surveyed a wealth of drug literature published from 1984 to 2002. Most found that low numbers of officers used illegal drugs. Several studies showed that anywhere from .31% to 20% of tested police officers in departments across the US and Australia used drugs. By comparison, a U.S. Department of Justice survey (2008) found that, while 8.2 % of full-time workers across America are regular drug users, those in protective service occupations, such as police were least likely to be users, with a rate of 3.4%. While the number of officers who use drugs may actually be quite small, the cases the public finds out about often cause terrific backlash. Effects of such use are felt by the individual officer, the police department as a whole, and the officer's family. The consequences impact public safety, public trust, and the ability of police to assist in the prosecution of criminals. Other consequences include the potential for greater corruption, reduced job productivity, and more civil liability for departments. Police officers who use drugs also place their families at greater risk for dysfunction and put their jobs at risk. Durkheim's paradigm of functionalism is beneficial in understanding drug use amongst police. It also provides insights into why some who are sworn to uphold the law break it in the very worst ways. Durkheim focused on the interactions and interdependence of society. He proposed that a smoothly functioning society had roles for individuals and norms to guide behaviors. When there is equilibrium in the system, individual needs are met and society works. When there is disequilibrium, society and individuals in society can suffer greatly. It is just this situation with drug use amongst police. Causes of Police Officer Drug Use As with the rest of the population, the causes of drug use amongst police officers are wide and varied. Stress, opportunity, and police culture are cited in many studies as central causes of drug abuse by police. According to Gorta (2008), police in Australia indicated that stress in their work and personal lives sometimes led to drug use. Many officers cited stressful situations such as killing someone in the line of duty or chasing someone in a high-speed pursuit as causing inordinate amounts of stress (Brunet, 2003). Many note that organizational rules, regulations, and procedures are stressors. Shift work and working irregular hours, as well as
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Subway Assignment Essay Example for Free
Subway Assignment Essay Fred and his friend Dr. Peter Buck got a loan of $1,000 to open the submarine sandwich shop which now we know as Subway. Subway opened in August 1965 in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Both men had decided that the goal for Subway was to operate 32 stores in 10 years. By 1974 they had 16 Subways up and running. Knowing they would not reach the goal set back in 1965 the two men decided to franchising and launching the Subway brand into the global brand it is today. Subway has amassed 37,885 restaurants in 99 countries. For something that started off as just a way to make money for a man to live his dream of becoming a doctor, it has turned into one of the biggest food chains in the world. These numbers mean that Subway has the most restaurants in the world of any other restaurant chain. Subway has three big values and philosophy. Family – Subway build their business relationships by treating each other, the customers and communities like family. These brings a very close feeling to the whole franchise. Teamwork – Subway challenge themselves to succeed through teamwork against goals shared by everyone at Subway and to all be accountable for their responsibilities. Opportunity – Subway create great chances for entrepreneurs, by allowing people with good business sense to open a franchise of their own. The Structure and Employees The structure for Subway starts at the main headquarters in Milford, Connecticut. From there it goes globally. It goes as far as USA to Ireland, onto Afghanistan and even further. Every different Subway shop opened has got the same structure to it. Subway has got a tall structure, meaning it has different levels of management and people have to answer to people who work above them. Many businesses that run like this aren’t like Subway though. Subway is extremely friendly, from the store owner all the way down to the sandwich artists and everyone working in the store does get an opinion on some new ideas. The Subway departments are as follows: Executive, Administrative, Franchise Brands, Development, Operations, Technology, Marketing, International, Finance, Legal, Store Owner, Store Manager, Assistant Store Manager, Team Leaders and then Sandwich Artists. Considering Subway has so many restaurants in so many countries, they have provided so many jobs which is brilliant. According to the main Subway website, the headquarters alone employ a thousand people. Across all of the franchises worldwide there is more than three hundred thousand jobs. Subway are always looking to open more franchises which will provide more jobs and the fact that they are such compact restaurants, means there is so much opportunity to open more franchises. The Functions of staff Executive – This team supports company wide operations at Subway’s headquarters. This role includes customer care and the business process eam. Administrative – The administrative team is responsible for employee management and grounds and shipping centre oversight. Franchise Brands – This team offers a diversified portfolio of new and promising ideas that will improve the Subway experience for franchises and customers. Development – This is the team th at works very close to the people who want to open their very own Subway restaurant. Part of the job is to help with real estate planning and recruiting new franchisees. Operations – This is the team that enforces and provides training and operational assistance to franchisees and field staff. Technology – This is the team who are responsible for implementing and maintaining all technology systems that are in the company and provide technology initiatives so franchisees can operate their business more efficiently. Marketing – This is the team who present the public face for Subway. These teams departments include research and development, which develop and test markets the food that Subway serve and the franchising advertising fund are responsible for the creation and placement of commercials and print ads. International – This is the team that deal with the franchises outside of the USA and Canada. Franchise Owner – This is the person or people that pay for the right to use the Subway name and they own that particular franchise. Store Manager – The store manager reports directly to the franchise owner. The store manager must maintain a high quality store operation. The store manager must also analyse financial performance, ensure that customers are happy and make sure that all sandwiches sold are a high quality. The store manager must also provide support for all of the other shop staff. Assistant Manager – The assistant manager pretty much assists the store manager in his or her job and will be able to stand in if need be. Team Leader – The team leader must report to both the store manager and the assistant manager. The team leader must also be responsible for serving customers, following health and safety procedures and keeping the store clean. They also must train in new sandwich artists. Sandwich Artists – The sandwich artists are the face of the shop. These are the people you will see the most when you walk into a Subway restaurant. It is their job to make the delicious sandwiches and to make sure that the customers are happy with everything. They also must make sure the shop is clean all the time and maintain good health safety standards.
Definition of statistics Essay Example for Free
Definition of statistics Essay According to Lind, Marchal, and Warhen (2011), the definition of statistics is that it is the science of data. It involves collecting, classifying, summarizing, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting numerical information (Chapter 1). There are different types and levels of statistics. For example Descriptive statistics utilizes numerical and graphical methods to look for patterns in a data set, to summarize the information revealed in a data set, and to present the information in a convenient form. The four elements of descriptive statistical problems are the population or sample of interest, One or more variables (characteristics of the populations or sample units) that are to be investigated, Tables, graphs, numerical summary tools, and the identification of patterns in the data Also there are Inferential statistics that utilizes sample data to make estimates, decisions, predictions, or other generalizations about a larger set of data. There are 5 elements of inferential statistical problems: The population of interest, one or more variables (characteristics of the population units) that are to be investigated, the sample of population units, the inference about the population based on information contained in the sample, and a measure of reliability for the inference. When it comes to the role of statistics in business decision making it is applied in many ways in terms of consumer preferences or even financial trends. For example, managers across any type of business unit formulate problems, they decide on a question relating to the problem and then form a statistical formulation of the question is used to determine answers to all of the above. An example of a business question may be how many calls are answered on average in a call center and how can we increase the numbers of calls answered per hour. Another example may be how we can increase the number of accounts we open each week, and who is opening the Most accounts and what is it that is aiding in the success of those individuals. Clearly there are many questions but determining the right questions that can be measured with statistical data is key to getting the right answers. References Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., Warhen, S. A. (2011). Basic Statistics for Business Economics (7th ed.). Retrieved from The Univeristy of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Estuary English As A Growing Phenomenon English Language Essay
Estuary English As A Growing Phenomenon English Language Essay Introduction Estuary English is a term invented by the British phonetician David Rosewarne in 1984 to describe a variety of English spoken by the banks of the Thames and its estuary. Rosewarne describes Estuary English as a variety that includes the features of Standard English phonology, Received Pronunciation, as well as South-Eastern Britains, mainly the Cockney accents, speech patterns (Estuary English: Tomorrows RP?). Since 1984, the usage of Estuary English has grown profoundly. Geographically, it is said to be heard all over the South-East of England and also penetrating into the west. Much regional variation is being lost as a large number of Traditional Dialects covering small geographical areas are gradually disappearing, making way for the Modern Dialect, which covers much larger scales of land. Socially, it has allegedly penetrated into the upper-class. The growing number of its speakers is astounding. Nowadays many famous people, including people of the media, teachers and politicians, use this variety of English, even though it was thought to be a language of the lower middle-class. A number of scholars and phoneticians are assuming and predicting an even wider use eventually leading up to Estuary English replacing Received Pronunciation. This research paper focuses on the phenomenon of Estuary English information about the origin and nature of the variety, the characteristic features, and future predictions as well as how others perceive the issue. It will also include a research of the speeches of Tony Blair, The Queen and Gordon Brown on the basis of whether Estuary English is slowly vaporising the phonological boundaries of the social classes or not. I chose this topic to have an insight to the future events that might take place. As regional dialects are slowly vanishing and the usage of Estuary English is growing, the opportunity of monitoring the new wave of English as it emerges can be fascinating. Overview The term introduced by Rosewarne has developed a lot of excitement on many levels some phoneticians argue against it, others fight for it. Nevertheless, the use of the variety has been sighted growing as it is a middle-ground for the upper and the lower-class. Rosewarne introduced Estuary English as A variety of modified regional speech. It is a mixture of non-regional and local south-eastern English pronunciation and intonation. If one imagines a continuum with Received Pronunciation and London speech at either end, Estuary English speakers are to be found grouped in the middle ground.(Estuary English: Tomorrows RP?) The term Estuary English was coined by British linguist David Rosewarne in a ground-breaking article published in The Times Educational Supplement in October 1984 (Estuary English: Tomorrows RP?). Rosewarne published another article in 1994 -Estuary English: tomorrows RP?, in which he added new facts to his previous work. In his 1994 publication he explained why he introduced the new term (or the new variety):While doing post-graduate studies in Applied Linguistics in London in 1983, I felt that existing descriptions of pronunciation varieties made no real mention of accents intermediate between R.P. and localisable British forms. (Estuary English: Tomorrows RP?) Rosewarnes publications and Paul Coggles publication of the book Do you speak Estuary? in 1993 lead the way for a number of articles examining the nature, structure, and other characteristics of the variety. When the phenomenon was popularized in the 1990s, other linguists began to take the possibility of this new variety more seriously. The phonetician Parsons even called it the new RP in 1998 (From RP to Estuary English), when at the other end many journalists and politicians remain dubious towards the term even and call it a haphazard version of the Cockney accent (Maidment: Estuary English: Hybrid or Hype? 1994), even when numerous surveys have been carried out and it has been examined with scrutiny many times. Rosewarne chose the name estuary after the region from which the new variety of English was thought to have spread the banks of the river Thames and its estuary (Estuary English, 1984). The term, however, has excited resentment among many linguists many saying it is controversial because it is not only spoken on or near the Thames estuary, but in places further from there and that there is no clear evidence that it emerged from the Thames estuary (Maidment: Estuary Engslish: Hybrid or Hype? 1994). Controversy also remains over the matter whether it is a regiolect, a dialect, an accent or a style. Other terms for the name were suggested, such as General London and London English, (Wells, John.What is Estuary English?1997.) because the Cockney accent originates from London, but also the term Post-Modern English, referring to the recent development of the variety (Maidment: Estuary English: Hybrid of Hype? 1994). But as the term has already widely spread, it would be unwise to change the name now. Thus the contention over the topic is quite meaningless. Estuary English is most commonly associated with the young, many saying that even the upper-class young tend to use it now as a ways to be more like the middle and lower class. Young people, who are not so well off, often adapt to it because it sounds more sophisticated, making Estuary English a middle-way for both the well-off and the poorer people. As mentioned in the introduction, the variety is attractive to many celebrities and businessmen as well as Members of Parliament and members of the royal family are spotted using it (Wells, John.What is Estuary English?1997). Estuary English has brought up a lot of excitement. Even though many scholars remain dubious to the existence of such a new variety, the people talk otherwise quite literally. Features of Estuary English The features of Estuary English are the results of the confluence of Standard English Pronunciation (RP) and the Cockney accent. Rosewarne described it: If one imagines a continuum with Received Pronunciation and London speech at either end, EE speakers are to be found grouped in the middle ground. (Estuary English: Tomorrows RP? 1994) Some characteristics, which differentiate from both RP and Cockney and are presumed to be typical to Estuary English, are brought out in the next paragraphs. They appear at a lexical, phonological and grammatical level. L-vocalization the use of [o], [ÊÅ ], or [É ¯] where RP uses [É «] in the final positions or in a final consonant cluster. As in the word milk pronounced as miok ( Joanna Ryfa, Estuary English: A controversial issue?) ( Glottaling or using a glottal stop (ʆ) instead of t or d. Mostly used at the end of a word or before another consonant sound. E.g. the word but pronounced /bʌʆ/ (Joanna Ryfa, Estuary English: A controversial issue?) Yod-coalescence (in stressed syllables). The use of the affricates /Ê ¤/ and /Ê/ instead of the clusters /dj/ and /tj/ such as tune and /tʃu:n/, also in words like Tuesday and attitude. ( A broad A (É‘Ë ) in words such as bath, grass, laugh, etc. ( Non-rhoticity Rhotic speakers pronounce written /r/ in all positions, while non-rhotic speakers pronounce /r/ only if it is followed by a vowel sound and not always even then. ( Use of intrusive R. An epenthetic [É ¹] is added after a word that ends in a non-high vowel or glide if the next word begins with a vowel, regardless of whether the first word historically ended with /É ¹/ or not. For example, intrusive R would appear in Asia[É ¹] and Africa or the idea[É ¹] of it: Asia and idea did not historically end in /É ¹/, but the [É ¹] is inserted epenthetically to prevent a hiatus. Intrusive R also occurs within words before certain suffixes, such as draw[É ¹]ing or withdraw[É ¹]al. ( Y-tensing, using a sound more similar to the /i:/ of beat than to the /i/ of bit, at the end of words like happy, coffee, valley. (Joanna Ryfa, Estuary English: A controversial issue?) Use of confrontational question tags. For example, Were going later, arent we?, I said that, didnt I? ( The omission of the -ly adverbial ending, as in Youre turning it too slow, They talked very quiet for a while, (David Crystal, Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language,1995) Certain prepositional uses, such as l got off of the bench, I looked out the window. (David Crystal, Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language.1995) Generalization of the third person singular form (I gets out of the car), especially in narrative style; also the generalized past tense use of was, as in We was walking down the road. (David Crystal, Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language,1995) Frequent use of the word cheers for Thank you and Goodbye Use of the word mate instead of friend, which is RP. Extension of the actual meaning of the word basically to use it as a gap filler. (Rosewarne, Estuary English: Tomorrows RP?) (David Crystal, Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language,1995) Still, both Coggle and Rosewarne, although mentioning these characteristics in their featured articles, claim that features such as usage of the word cheers is also growingly common among young people, and is a not marker of Estuary English. Thus it is difficult to differentiate between the rising use of Estuary English, and the rising use of colloquial English. Estuary English speakers are very open to influence from American English, thus the usage of Americanisms is common. Some Americanisms adopted by Estuary English speakers with their British equivalents: British (B) Here you are; Americanism (A) There you go B- Sorry; A Excuse me B- By no means; A No way B I hope that; A- Hopefully B Hello; A Hi B- Correct; A- Right B- Certainly; A- Sure Some characteristics that are typically Cockney but misleadingly considered as Estuary English are: Th-fronting, i.e., replacement of [ÃŽÂ ¸, ÃÆ' °] with [f, v] (e.g. [fÉ ªÃƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¹k] for think) H-dropping, i.e., Dropping [h] in stressed words (e.g. [à ¦ÃƒÅ †] for hat) Double negation. However, Estuary English may use never in case where not would be standard. For example, he did not [in reference to a single occasion] might become he never did. ( Estuary English as a variety of English comes on many different levels. Even though it is a new variety, the characteristics are already quite clear. An analysis of Tony Blairs, The Queens and Gordon Browns speeches the use of Estuary English over time. It is said that estuary English has climbed up the social ladder and its features can be heard in the Parliament. I analysed the speeches of Tony Blair, The Queen and Gordon Brown, comparing their speeches from twenty years ago with the ones they carry out now. Tony Blairs speeches Tony Blair was born in Scotland and also educated there. As any other Member of Parliament he speaks English with Received Pronunciation, but some articles suggest that his use of Estuary English has grown over the last decades. The earliest Tony Blairs speech I found in audio was carried out in 1997 his Victory Speech for becoming the prime minister. I compared the language of it with speeches from 2006, 2007 and 2010. The differences concerning the use of Estuary English were: L-vocalization. This was the most prominent of Estuary characteristics. Words in which he used it were killed, built (Reuters Media Control speech 2007), deal, will(General Election Victory speech 1997), well(Farewell speech 2006) Glottalisation. Words in which he used it were better (General Election Victory speech 1997; Farewell speech 2006), little bit, but, not (Farewell speech 2006). Non-rhoticity. In the words target,fair (Cardinals lecture 2008) The use of Estuary English has definitely grown, though it cannot be said that the usage of it is enormous. Most apparent differences can be seen in the use of glottalisation in the 2010 example he used it the most. Though some say that Tony Blair changes his accent when speaking to differentaudiences (Arthur, Charles. Language: Estuary English engulfs a nation 1998) in the parliament he uses RP and on television giving interviews he uses Estuary English to win the middle-class over, the speeches I analysed had the same characteristics in most of them, contradicting with what the media said about his usage of Estuary English depending on the audience. The Queens speeches The Queen should be the prime example of perfect Received Pronunciation. In 2006 Neil Tweedie wrote about the queens changing language, including that Her Majesty may not be quite ready to engage in fully-fledged Bermondsey banter with Jade Goody, but her speech has nevertheless followed the general trend from cut-glass URP (Upper Rec-eived Pronunciation) towards the more democratic Standard Received Pronunciation and its close relative, Standard Southern British English. (How Queens English has grown more like ours). I analysed her speeches with no real expectation to find anything. For the earliest speech I took The Queens Christmas Message from 1992 and the last ones are from 2008, 2009, 2010. There were not many examples to be found, but the ones I discovered were: Glottalisation. Words like forgotten, but(Christmas speech 2008;Christmas speech 2009) Non-rhoticity in there(Christmas speech 2008), simpler(Christmas speech 1992) The usage of Estuary English in the Queens speeches is minimal. Gordon Browns speeches I chose Gordon Brown for my third study because he should be somewhere in the middle of Tony Blair and The Queen, concerning the usage of Estuary English. Gordon Brown was born in Scotland and also educated there, thus his pronunciation was a bit Scottish. His use of English has not been talked about in the media. I analysed his speeches from 1985 and 1992 to 2009, 2010. What I found out was: Glottalisation in the word Britain (Speech for Citizens UK 2010), let(Resignation speech 2010) L-volcalisation in words brilliant(Speech for Citizens UK 2010;Resignation speech 2010), million(Speech for Citizens UK 2010), will(2009 Labour Conference speech), well (Resignation speech 2010) Gordon Browns usage of Estuary English is minor. Though there are some examples of it, he cannot be called an example of Estuary English, but the usage of it has definitely grown. Conclusion of the research My research shows that there are not any lexical examples of Estuary English in these three cases, but some pronunciational differences do appear in the speeches of Tony Blair, The Queen and Gordon Brown. The characteristics of Estuary English that appeared are mostly the same glottalisation and l-vocalisation being the most prominent. Although the usage of Estuary English is minimal, it still has grown. It can be explained in two ways either Estuary English is filtering into the speech of parliamentarians and the Queen, or Estuary English is used for identifying with the middle-class. Future predictions for Estuary English Through time, Estuary English has influenced RP, and it will continue to do so. In the 1980s, when Rosewarne first published his essay, it received little attention. When he republished the essay in a slightly longer version in 1994, it received the acknowledgement it deserved. After that the term and its possibility of taking over RP has been all over the media. Rosewarne in 1984 speculated that in the long run it may influence the speech of all but the linguistically most isolated, among the highest and lowest socio-economic groups who may then become linguistically conservative minorities. He even suggested Estuary English to take over the Standard English pronunciation. (Estuary English: Tomorrows RP?) At first Rosewarne was almost alone with his theory, but since them the acknowledgement has grown. Although many linguistics still contravene with the subject, the most prominent linguistics, such as Coggle, have fortified the term with additional research on the matter. As young people are highly affected by the media, it carries the most influential part in the development of the speech of young people. That is why teenagers idols like David Beckham and Lily Allen, who speak immaculate Estuary English, have a huge affect on teenagers speech. In addition to these teen-idols, there are many television shows such as Eastenders which carry out clear cut Estuary English. And since most of the teenagers are affected, in some generations the pronunciational differences between the social classes may vanish. In my opinion, Estuary English is definitely on the rise and spreading rapidly. Though the effects of Estuary English have not occurred in Scotland, Wales or Ireland, in some time, it may be possible too. Estuary English is an increasing variety which is penetrating through the boundaries of social classes and the media. Conclusion Estuary English is a variety of English that is growing rapidly. It is a mixture of Cockney English and Received Pronunciation. Estuary English is acceptable to both the upper-class and the lower-classes, benefiting them both. It influences both the regional varieties and the diminishing class-distinctive speech. Estuary English can be heard everywhere from the street to the Parliament building. As research shows, the usage of Estuary English in Tony Blairs, The Queens and Gordon Browns speeches has also grown, even though the size of the futility varies greatly. From these three Tony Blair was the keenest Estuary English speaker, leaving Gordon Brown second, and The Queen the last. Their usage of Estuary English limits to the pronunciational level, leaving aside the lexical and grammatical side. The future of Estuary English promises an even wider use from the lower class to the upper class, from the east coast to the west coast. Estuary English may be the next Received Pronunciation.
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